Instructions for Authors


Instructions for Authors

Authors are invited to submit their original papers, unpublished, in the fields of social and human sciences, such as law, public administration, economics, regional studies, history, international relations etc. Full papers should be submitted in Romanian, English, or French and will be published after peer review, according to their topic, as follows:

The workshops accepted languages are Romanian, French, and English.

The final papers, after being accepted for presentation, will be sent to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by June 2nd, 2023.

Regardless of the language of the final article, the title and the abstract should be in English only. 

General Instructions

Extenso/Abstract: (Times New Roman, 12 pt., 4,5 cm up/down – 4 cm left/right, justify)
Keywords: (Times New Roman, 12 pt., 4,5 cm up/down – 4 cm left/right, justify)
JEL classification: (Times New Roman, 10 pt., 4,5 cm up/down – 4 cm left/right, justify) available at the following address

The abstract should be informative and should present the most important results and conclusions in not more than 300 words in English. Standard nomenclature must be used in the summary and including references and abbreviations in the abstract is not allowed.

Keywords:  Authors should list a maximum of five words, and expressions to be used in the index. It’s recommended not to use words from the title but should not be omitted from the obvious words.

The tables should be inserted in the text after the first reference. The number of tables must be limited to an essential amount and be as simple as possible. Tables should be edited in Word, and not imported from other programs. The tables should be numbered with Arabic numbers. The number of tables must be followed by a brief description of the content. Each column of the table must have a title and appropriate unit. If necessary, add an additional explanation to the bottom of the table.

Figures should be inserted in the text after the first reference. It’s recommended to use the same font for drawing the figure, bold is not allowed. The figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals, followed by a brief description, both to the bottom of the figure. The figures should contain a legend to present explanations (the symbols of the points, series, etc.).

The references should be listed in alphabetical and chronological order according to the first writer, without numbering, and consist of all literature cited only. The references are recommended to be as recent as possible.
In the case of several publications by the same author, they should be arranged according to the publication year.
In case there are several works by the same author from the same year, the recommendation is to use A, B, etc. The bibliography will be listed in the language in which the work cited was published (the title may be completed and translated into English).

Citations: APA STYLE 

It is recommended to limit the use of footnotes.


Bank wire transfer to:

Account Holder: Asociația Avocaților din Baroul Galați
Address: Strada Brăilei 153, Galați 800337, Romania
Fiscal Code: 43893170
IBAN for LEI (Romanian currency): RO03BACX0000002107573001
Bank: Unicredit Bank, Galati Branch.
Reference field: EEP CONFERENCE 2023